Sunday, January 20, 2008

Travel Plans

One of the best reasons to study abroad is all of the traveling you get to do. When you're home base is in Europe it is so much cheaper and easier to travel. We've all been making plans like crazy to book trips while it's cheap. I'm really excited about my plans!!

First, I'm going to Scotland with about 10 people here from February 8-10. We're staying in Edinburgh, so it should be really fun.

My Spring Break plans are amazing!!
March 8-9: West of Ireland - we have a field trip there as part of our Intro to Ireland class
March 10-13: London - visiting Caity while Danielle is also visiting! :)
March 14-17: St. Patrick's Day weekend in Dublin: we're performing our Irish dance that weekend which should be interesting. If any of you saw Marisa and me after that class at ND you'd know why.
March 18-24: Rome! Visiting Marisa for the week and doing all of the Holy Week events through ND including Stations of the Cross and Easter mass!

I'm also in the process of planning a trip to Austria with a few girls. We want to do the Sound of Music Tour there.

The only other place I really want to go is Paris. Angela and I are trying to plan a trip to Disneyland, so I hope that works out. I was supposed to go for a weekend with Marisa and Ying after they visit here in February, but I can't because our trip to Northern Ireland got moved to then.

Yeah, so I'm really excited about all of the plans I made. It should be an awesome semester!

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